Looking back 2019, we can proudly say that we have lived a purposeful year. It's been an amazing journey since KAH Fremont was established in February 2019. Together we have enabled over 4,000 Fremont students, school staff, employers and volunteers, joining hands to pack over 130,000 meals for those in need in 2019. These meals have supported hungry kids and homeless within our neighborhoods and around the world. Our Fremont Mayor and city leaders came to pack with us, Mission San Jose High School KAH Club helped to set up the packing events, Fremont students did house chores to 'earn' money, the school Principals and teachers got duct-taped, faces pied, and head shaved to help fundraise for the meals. Our Fremont community united to serve those in need all in the name of LOVE!
In 2019, Kids Against Hunger Fremont has supported:
Posts from Fremont Unified School District about recent schoolwide packing events
Posts from Fremont Mayor Lily Mei endorsing our efforts of supporting:
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to learn more about how to become a KAH volunteer. Thank you for joining our fight against hunger. Our work has just begun. 2020 here we come!!